Quick Start Guide

Lesson 11:


User Manual Chapters to Read

Topic: Bar Codes

Other Resources


To the extent that you can use the bar codes that already come with the merchandise you should. This will save you the time and expense of having to barcode everything yourself. Ideally you can contact your vendors and ask them to send you a list of all of their merchandise and the corresponding bar code. This is a lot more efficient than looking for the barcode of every item individually.

To assign a bar code to an Item, find the entry for that item in the Items Catalog. Click the cursor in the EAN/UPC field and scan the bar code. Then press Save. That's all you need to do. From that point forward any time you scan that bar code the system will pull up that item.

For those items that do not come with a bar code already you will want to print bar code labels or tags of your own. There are two ways to print a bar code. The hard way is to go into the Items Catalog, do a Query for a particular item, and print labels for that Item. The easy way is to print labels from Documents. You can print labels for every item found in a transaction.

Go to Documents>Vendors>Receipts and pull up a Receipt you made in Lesson 10. Click on the Make Labels button in the toolbar at the top. You will see the printer print a bar code label for every single item on that Receipt. This is the most efficient way to proceed. As you make Receipts for merchandise in your store you can then circle back and print labels for the items you just added to inventory.

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