Single Store Edition $1,599.00
Our Single Store Edition is designed for
stand-alone boutiques and includes all the tools you need to operate
your store including: Purchase Orders, Receiving, Create and Print
Barcodes, Physical Inventory, Point of Sale, Invoicing, Layaways,
Returns, Store Credits, Customer Relationship Management, Split
Tenders, Sales Analysis, Inventory Replenishing and over 450 reports to
help you better understand your business.
XpertMart POS is designed specifically for shoes,
clothing and sporting goods retailers since it uses a
Style/Color/Size1/Size2 matrix to display sales, stock and other
critical information. You also use this matrix to enter quantities in
every transaction, including Purchase Orders and Receipts.
XpertMart POS is the only software package that
will help you optimize your inventory at the size/color level.
Use XpertMart to keep an eye on your Vendors: make
sure that the merchandise they send you is exactly what you ordered.
Use XpertMart's audit function to keep track of
your Merchandise. Every change to inventory is recorded, along with the
date and document number you can lookup.
Use XpertMart to reward Employees with commissions
and keep sensitive information out of their hands with our Security
module. Every employee who logs-in to the system will only have
permission to do what you've allowed in the configuration.
Use XpertMart to understand who your best Customers
are, what they buy and what they spend. Pamper your best customers with
special discounts and price lists. Find out when was the last time they
were in your store and mail them a coupon.
Additional Workstation $499.00
Add as many additional workstations as you can link
together in a network. Great for that extra sales terminal or for the
office/warehouse at the back of the store. Users can be online
concurrently. All changes made by one user are instantly seen by the
other users.

Software & Hardware Bundle $3,299.00 USD
Everything you need to turn your computer into a
Point-of-Sale station and run your store at an incredibly low price!
All of the devices are guaranteed to be compatible
with XpertMart POS Software and work with each other, saving you the
hassle of having to shop around.
* XpertMart POS & Inventory Control
Software: Single Store Edition
* 3 Months Unlimited Technical Support
* Zebra Eltron 2824 Bar Code Label Printer
* Metrologic MS 9520 Barcode Scanner
* MMF Electronic Cash Drawer
* Epson TMT-IV POS Ticket Printer
Note: Paper rolls and barcode labels sold

XpertMart Multi-Store Edition $2,099.00 USD
Our Multi-Store Edition includes all of the
functionality of the Single Store Edition plus a whole suite of tools
you need to run a chain of stores, including: Integrated Communications
Module, Task Manager, Transfers, In Slip & Out Slip Matching,
Auto-Transfers, Multi-Store Purchase Orders and the Reports Designer.
With XpertMart Multi-Store Edition you can run your
entire chain of stores as a single store. Each store automatically
sends its data to a Main every day and has updated stock information
for the other stores in the chain.
XpertMart automatically suggests Transfers to move
merchandise from stores where it is not selling to stores where that
same merchandise is running low or out of stock. XpertMart is the only
software that will optimize your inventory both locally (at a store)
and globally (across the chain).
Note: you need one Multi-Store license for each
store in your chain, plus you need another Multi-Store license for the
Main office. Example: if you have 10 stores, you will need 11
Multi-Store licenses. If you have already bought the Single Store
Edition and wish to upgrade to the Multi-Store Edition, you only need
to pay the difference between the two ($500).
to Talk?
Have questions about our software?
Give us a call: (954)